Indy says, "You've got to be kidding!"
The official measurement was 14 inches of snow for our burb south of Portland. During the past two days, I-5 in our vicinity has been one of the worst trouble spots for travelers.
The change in weather began today. The morning walk with Indy was similar to yesterday's...traveling on the packed snow in the streets because the unshoveled or nonpacked snow/ice/snow combination was difficult to navigate. The rain began shortly after we returned from our walk and continued most of the day. I watched the snow fall off of the trees in the neighbors' yards while I wrote. By the time we ventured out for Indy's afternoon walk, all the trees were bare and the cold rain was just nasty. The streets are melting, however, the packed snow has turned to thick slush that is even more slippery than the snow!
Would you believe we have no idea where our snow shovel is? Misplaced during one of our moves, or maybe in the commercial storage unit. So I used the only shovel I could find to clear out the gutter at the curb so melting snow can flow past the house. Hey, I'm Oregon born and raised -- I've seen the Oregon City falls completely disappear under flood waters -- twice.
We'll hunker down again tomorrow to let the warmer temperatures and rain further scour out the snow from the neighborhood streets.
Would you believe Aisley and her traveling companions had to dash into the fen to escape the bad guys who caught up with them? People get lost in the fens and are never seen again. Could it be because of the Fen Folk? They're an elusive, odd-looking, highly intuitive race that exists between the magical races and mortals.
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