Covered Bridge (sketched from a photo in 1979)
I don't know if the bridge I drew is located in Oregon, but we have a goodly number of them, particularly in the mid-Willamette Valley. Just seemed appropriate, somehow. Crossing over into a new year, feeling battered by the old year.
2009 was such a lousy year for so many people. Some lost loved ones, their homes, life savings/retirement accounts,etc.
A good friend lost her filly to colic after breeding, rearing, and initiating the bright chestnut to saddle. I just learned of her loss and it brought a stream of tears. My friend and I had a thing for our "red-headed" mares, fiery temperaments and all. I still miss my little red gal.
For me, 2009 was not as bad as some years past. But any more I'm counting it a good year when it's dull, dull, dull.
My mother received serious medical news from her cardiologist, was placed on oxygen 24/7, and had three bad falls this summer that resulted in visits to the ER. Fortunately, no broken bones. But the spills and recovery took a lot out of her.
I was recuperating from my broken wrist at the start of 2009. All better now except for an occasional twinge to remind me that it's been remodeled.
The horse and dog had no issues during the year. Whew! Other than Indy causing a couple of my mother's falls. :-(
Financially...we were already living modestly and didn't notice much change in our lifestyle. The good news is, my 2010 health insurance premiums will be close to what they were in 2009. So my budget will remain relatively the same. In this day and age, that's a great relief.
Most of our family and friends are doing okay. That's good news whatever the calendar reads.
Resolutions for 2010? I didn't make any. I do hope to lose a few pounds, but probably won't. I'd like to participate in our small, in-barn dressage clinics if more are scheduled. That's fairly doable. I would like to complete and edit a novel into "pitchable" shape for the Willamette Writers Conference in August. I'll try. We'll see. I need to win an Oregon Megabucks or Powerball lottery in 2010. Ha! I'd like everyone to be genuinely surprised that I'm *0 when I hit another milestone birthday in 2010. That could require some airbrushing.'s to a happy and prosperous 2010 to everyone.