Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Stills: 2011 Favorite Photo

Happy new photography year. Nothing like reviewing snaps from the previous year before taking the camera out and about during the new year. Of course I couldn't limit my favorites to one photo.

Making a new friend.
I love the above photo for two reasons:  1) the very relaxed and soft expression of the very large warmblood jumper; and 2) the little girl's firm grip on Mom.

Playing at horses.
The above picture is just about every little girl at some point in her childhood. Most of us didn't have horses or ponies at the age we were yearning for one, so pretending to be a horse or riding a pony was the closest we could come.

As for 2012, I need to learn and become comfortable with all the features of my camera. Doing so will help me figure out how to take interior horse show photos, since the combination of sports action and low light are a problem for me.

Click on the link to see the favorites of other Sunday Stills photo buffs and their photo goals for 2012.


Anonymous said...

These are both terrific shots. :)

Happy New Year!!

thecrazysheeplady said...
