Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day Two, WWC

Today's pitch was with Kelly S. with the Dijkstra Literary Agency. She was very interested in "Water Tribute" and liked the premise that water is a source of power. She requested sample chapters and a synopsis! Whoopee!


When asked the most common problem with submitted material, Pamela Smith Hill replied that it was sending the work too soon. That is, too early in the writing process without the editing and rediting that polishes the work. Hmmm. That's exactly where I am with "Water Tribute." But that means I need to place posterior in chair and WORK.

The good news is, agents like my ideas for novels. And I've got plenty of ideas.

The sessions I attended today included Self-Editing the YA/Middle Reader Novel, a panel on Why I Stop Reading, Publicity for Pennies, and The Magic is in the Details/Speculative Fiction.

Self-editing was a repeat of information I've read and heard before, but each time more and more of it sinks in. It's a good thing to be reminded. After my pitch I attended the panel that included an author, editor and agent. The thing about attending a writers conference is that you're surrounded by smart, witty people. The panels can be absolutely hilarious while at the same time imparting excellent information. Such was the case here. As for low-cost publicity, publishers focus on their best-selling money makers when it comes to marketing. The remainder of their authors must do more and more of their own promotional work and I picked up some good ideas...for when the time comes.

Today's inspiring session was Magic in the Details. Elyn Selu used images downloaded from the web that represented the speculative fiction genres to inspire out imaginations for individual and group creative sessions. Now, we're all told to use all the senses when new news there. But she discussed how the emotions of the characters can color their observations of their created world. So a scene that could be welcoming under one set of emotions may be menacing under another. All this made me realize that my journaling exercise was an attempt to get inside the heads of my characters to capture how each person in the scene viewed what was occurring. So I've been moving in the right direction. Once again, the creativity and imagination of the participants was amazing and amusing. We inspire each other in our flights of fancy.

The luncheon speaker was Luke Ryan from the film industry. His picaresque tale of his entry into the film business was hysterical. But the bottom line was, hone your skills for your chosen genre so you will be ready when opportunity arrives unexpectedly from left field.

Looking at tomorrow's schedule, it appears I may be spending more time in the Children's/YA track.

1 comment:

Shared Glory said...

Yay! I'm excited to hear that the agents are interested and glad to know you are enjoying the classes!