Friday, July 23, 2010


Bats in the belfry? No, bats in the arena! Three of them. Two, ahem, apparently mating. I averted my eyes to give them privacy.

Not vampire bats, I trust. Just LBBs (little brown bats).

The bats were harmless enough clinging to the walls of the arena. They do eat insects and other creepy crawlies, which is a good thing. They left the horses alone and the horses didn't seem to notice them. However, the sonic squeaks did give Genevieve a headache. My aging hearing system only picked on the high-pitched squeaks when I was close to the bats -- but I could see how it would make one do the "doggy head shake" (What the heck was that?!).

So, given the presence of bats, do I change my assessment of Twilight? Hmmm. I think I'll wait until the LBBs become more ominous.

I won't cry "Uncle" just yet.


Beth said...

I love bats! They are so helpful. I know it might not be nice to actually have them in the arena, but maybe you could put up a bat house for them near buy?

Anonymous said...

Good thing Ed wasn't there he'd have his video going. LOL

Janice Grinyer said...

yikes, retribution bats!

Though I know at dusk when I see tubby ones flying around they are doing their job getting rid of bugs, yay bats!