Monday, November 21, 2011


I didn't sign up for NaNoWriMo because on November 1st I was still developing the novel that had drawn me off onto a tangent. But a week into the month I had a nine-page summary of the story complete with sub plots and an opening scene.

So I started writing.

As of this morning I'm at 8,328 words -- so I obviously won't reach the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words by November 30th.


I have applied the NaNoWriMo philosophy of write at any and every opportunity without stopping. And this made the light bulb pop on.

The advantage of participating in NaNoWriMo is MOMENTUM. Keeping the story foremost in your mind and focusing on getting it down in thirty days or less. Not getting sidetracked (at least, not for too long). Letting things that can wait, well, wait.

Thus, even though I won't finish Galactic Empress (working title only) by November 30th, maybe I can complete it by December 31st.

I just need to maintain the momentum!


Vaquerogirl said...

I hope your momentum is maintained! Great use of time and energy and I love your title! Sounds like a winner Is it a YA or Middle Grade or Adult Fiction?

trump said...

I'm visiting new blogs today for the first time, so i also thought id wish you a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your readers. And i hope that the day is spent generating positive memories for years to come. Richard from Amish Stories.