Saturday, September 25, 2010

Catching Up

Yesterday Genevieve and I visited with Kim for a good, old-fashioned kaffeeklatsch. Coffee, banana bread, and hot scones provided by Kim. Entertainment provided by Abigail and Indy.

We of course caught up on horse news. How our ponies are doing, how we like our new barns, updates on mutual friends who share our equine addiction, etc.

But we also covered a variety of topics -- wherever the flow of conversation took us -- and laughed a lot. The time just flew by. I can't believe how hoarse I was the remainder of the day after chatting so much!

Abigail, our favorite cocker spaniel, has grown and is nearly the same size as Indy now. She loves the fluffy puppy and is all over him. Indy enjoys running around with her, but when he needs a break from his high-energy girlfriend he jumps into my lap. Fortunately, I didn't have coffee cup or slice of banana bread in hand when he made the leap!

Never did make it out to the barn. But this was an enjoyable variation in my routine.

1 comment:

Janice Grinyer said...

Oh that sounds like fun! Good conversation with comfortable friends is always best!!!